Twin Hearts Meditation

Practising Meditation on Twin Hearts is like a spiritual shower. When your aura is clean, you see through things more clearly. Even your good luck increases !!

- Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Ancient sutras and spiritual teachers have been telling us for thousands of years that meditation will make us happier and a better person. Now the scientists, doctors and researchers have also reiterated the same. Meditation awakens the soul, gives peacefulness to the mind, purifies the body and provides an all rounded growth – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, has re-engineered the ancient meditation practices to make it suitable for the modern era and gifted to us as a “Twin Hearts Meditation”. Being practiced globally by millions of people of different religions and backgrounds, the Meditation on Twin Hearts is extraordinarily simple but results in remarkable benefits and substantial transformation.
The meditation acts as an interface between us and the Divinity. The downpour of Divine Energy purges the contamination in the energy body, heals and energizes the aura and the chakras. The Divine energy, illuminates, opens the mind and soothes the emotions. As the aura is clean and bright you will experience stillness and as a result expanded levels of consciousness.

Regular practice of Meditation on Twin Hearts results in increasing contentment, happiness, inner peace and joy in life - Once the unwanted thought forms and emotions are out of one’s system, one’s mind becomes clear and emotions are more refined

The loving kindness energy from the meditation has led to improvements and enhancement of relationships with spouse, family members and co-workers.

Meditation on Twin Hearts is used as a tool for relieving stress, anxiety and depression as it removes the unwanted emotions from the auras and chakras

Regular practitioners of Twin Hearts Meditation have increased sizes of chakras and auras making the energy body healthier.

Meditation on Twin Hearts has also shown to improve one’s Emotional Quotient. Emotional Intelligence is being aware of and handling emotions competently.

The meditation creates an opportunity for one to become a channel to bless every person every being on earth with a better life. As one blesses the world, this in turn comes back as good luck many many times.

“Just as Pranic Healing can ‘miraculously’ cure simple and severe ailments, the Meditation on Twin Hearts, when practiced by a large number of people, can miraculously heal the entire earth; thereby making the earth more harmonious and peaceful. “

-Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Reach us for Twin Hearts Meditation @ Home & Office

Blessings followed all through the day and each day remained blessed. With our Guru’s will, I was also able to participate and contribute to this initiative with daily posters. It is unimaginable to think that a major personal wish that I have been wanting, for so many years has materialized within a span of 30 days, thanks to Grand Master and the prayers of the meditation group. It goes without saying that, putting our Guru on top and the problems below indeed makes life hassle-free

 Murugesh P, IT Profession

On each day of the challenge, doing the meditation itself has been an enriching experience. My wish for a change of project at the official front materialized within a few days. Blessing the wishes of fellow pranic healers who have been part of this challenge gave me an immense sense of satisfaction. Thank You Master for using me as an instrument.

Anand , IT Manager

Whenever I did the meditations, I was able to sense that our house was being filled with lots of love energy. All the differences and arguments have disappeared and there has been a downpour of kindness, mercy, compassion and peace over all our lives. Even our pets did not quarrel in this period! The blessings bestowed on us by Supreme God, our Beloved Grand Master Choa Kok Sui and fellow Pranic Healers have made this possible. Thanks to Perungudi Pranic Wellness Centre for having initiated this wonderful exercise.

Shanthi, Special Children Teacher