Cure for leg pain that has been there for years

Happy Morning All..

My maid had leg pain in the sole for many days and is also under medication. Yesterday I tried healing and today she told me that she slept peacefully yesterday after many days without leg pain.

Thanks to you all for having taught me this art



Relief from Long Standing Ailments

I would like to begin the testimonial with healing experience on me. I had skin eczema for a while. Allopathy medicines worked temporarily even when I took steroids. Siddha medicines were also of limited help. So I learnt basic PH. After 2 months of twin hearts meditation it got under control WITHOUT any healing sessions and medicines.

Master’s healing has worked through me for cold, cough, shoulder pain, back pain, fever and minor injuries. There are two instances I would specifically like to mention here. One of my neighbour’s daughter was suffering from cold for 3 weeks. After one healing session, she vomited all the mucus in the night and became totally normal the next day morning. The second healing was done on my son for a minor knee injury he got while playing in the park. After an hour healing, the skin had regrown n the injury was reduced to less than half it’s size! My son didn’t have the patience to sit for another one hour. Otherwise I am sure master would have fixed the whole thing! 

Thank you MCKS.


Home Maker

Healing kids for their peaceful sleep

My son who is three and half years old was suffering from cold and cough because of which he couldn’t sleep.he was complaining of difficulty in  breathing I tried healing for him .. that whole night he slept without any much trouble and is lot better today than yesterday. 

Thank you master for the wonderful technique.



Miracle Happens

When I first attended Pranic Healing session, I found it hard to understand how one can be cured through a “No Drug, No Touch” therapy. Soon I had the opportunity to get an evidence of the same! My mother had hurt her leg when she hit a steel sofa. Me, a novice having completed only Basic Pranic Healing at that time, tried my hand to help her. To my utmost surprise, she was relieved of pain

Thank you Master for your endless miracles !

If I can do it, so can you.

Pranic Healing is indeed a miracle medicine for mankind


IT Business Analyst

How Pranic Healing cures Kidney Stones?


Atma Namaste!

I was suffering from Kidney stones for 5 years and I used to get more fear because of that pain. After learning Advanced Pranic Healing and Pranic Psychotherapy, I started applying the protocols as told by our beloved Guru GMCKS weekly thrice. Since I used to get more fear, I started applying Pranic Psychotherapy also weekly for my fear thrice. In about 3 months , I was completely free from Kidney stones. GMCKS Pranic Healing is a very big gift for all the people in the world.


Software Engineer

Positive Attitude towards Life:

Atma namaste!

I have had a painful right shoulder for nearly 7 to 8 months due to my occupation and inspite of many deep tissue massages the pain never went restricting my mobility of my right arm. My sister Mano did pranic healing on the shoulder and on waking up the next morning I had no pain at all!

In addition she placed shields for me which has helped me immensely at work and given me positivity in life.




Recovery for 87 years Granny from severe lung infection

Atma Namaste 

My friend’s grandmother who is 87 years old was suffering from severe cold due to which she got the chest pain. I took a healing service from Perungudi Pranic Wellness Center. They healed her lungs completely though it was very much infected due to severe cold. Also the next day, once again I cleaned the lungs and energized it. Today when I did the healing I found no dirty energy in her lungs. When I asked my friend if her grandmother is fine, she told that she was recovering and feeling much better and cold had reduced. I felt very happy on hearing this. 

Thank you master for the healing


Siva Shankari

Software Engineer