Spiritual Courses

Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul

“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment” - Lao Tzu

“Who am I? Where have I come from? And where am I going?” – the answers to these questions kindle the spark of spiritual self-discovery. The course “Achieving Oneness With the Higher Soul” is designed to answer these and lead us in the path of spiritual enlightenment. What yogis and saints tried to fathom with many years of solitude in forests and mountain caves is unraveled in 2 days of classroom sessions. The complexity is simplified, the blindfolded eyes are opened and the truth is expounded. The true nature of ourselves, our Higher Soul and the divinity within us manifests. We realize that we have been through many journeys and incarnations. Designed for those who are interested in pursuing a spiritual path, this course fast-tracks the Enlightenment and Self-realization. Knowing the secret behind symbol such as caduceus and snake. The techniques for spiritual awakening are designed in a safe and scientific manner. The actual experience of harmonising with the soul leaves many students in a state of deep stillness that is subtle yet unforgettable.


Realizing the true nature, that one is a soul with different bodies


Knowing the secret behind symbols such as Caduceus, Blue Pearl and Snake

Blue Pearl

Knowing the meaning of Blue Pearl and Self realization.

Twin Hearts

Learning the Meditation on Twin Hearts for peace and illumination

NONE 100%

Arhatic Yoga Preparatory

Spiritual journey is tough and fraught with hurdles and pitfalls. It takes many many births to achieve “Self-realization”. Guru’s presence and guidance helps one to overcome the hurdles and reach the goals. Master Choa Kok Sui, the Spiritual Guru for the twenty first century has bestowed us with ‘Arhatic Yoga’ to guide us through this maze. This course is one of the greatest and most wonderful gifts from Master to mankind. This is the most apt spiritual course designed for the Modern Era factoring the busy lifestyle and the complex situations that people encounter at home and at work. This course give simple technique to overcome anger, emotion and distress. The relief is instantaneous and powerful. “ARHATIC” is derived from “arhat”, describing a highly evolved being. Yoga refers to the techniques that culminate in uniting us with the Divine one. Arhatic Yoga has been created as a synthesis of the 7 yogas – Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Laya/Kundalini yoga, Gnana yoga, Bhakti yoga, Mantra yoga and simplified Hatha yoga. The course covers four meditations, including the Meditation on Twin Hearts for Peace and Illumination. Regular practice of the meditations leads to a perfect balance – the course is designed in such a way that the practitioner develops spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally. The practices accelerate spiritual growth, enhance the healing power, bestows with enhanced mental faculties and intuition, naturally leading to reduced stress, better interpersonal relationships and inner peace. The course details the methods for purification of the physical, etheric, astral, and mental bodies; followed by the activation of the chakras in a secret sequence to safely awaken and circulate the Kundalini energy throughout the body. This secret technique that has been practiced by very advanced and evolved yogis has been unraveled for the practitioners in this course. This is the foundation for building the much desired “Golden Body”! All this in turn provides an opportunity for the Arhatic practitioner with enhanced faculties to help the world by doing service, which forms the Karma yoga part of Arhatic Yoga.


Using the discussed techniques to purify thoughts and emotions and build a better character

Mercy and Compassion

Using meditation techniques to increase awareness


Understanding of 5 pillars to have a balanced and safe spiritual development


Awakening the Kundalini energy safely and rapidly

Pranic Psychotherapy 100%
Achieving Oneness with Higher Soul 100%

Om Mani Padme Hum

Om mani padme hum is an ancient mantra that is related to the bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokiteshvara. It is a very powerful mantra and imbibes Love, Mercy and Compassion. In this world filled with unhappiness and displeasure, Om Mani Padme Hum brings in harmony. The tranquility of this ancient chant elevates the consciousness and brings in peace and bliss to the chanter. This sublime mantra can heal, purify, and contribute to world peace. OM Mani Padme Hum is often inscribed in stones and flags. These flags and stones can be placed in and around homes to protect from negativity. The rate of vibration of the mantra is so high, it has a purifying effect on the air and water molecules. This course has been synthesised from the teachings of an Immortal Tibetan Master, and offers two powerful meditations – the Meditation on Loving Kindness and the Meditation on the Blue Pearl in the Golden Lotus. Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui also reveals his spiritual lineage and introduces you to his illustrious Beloved Teacher in this jewel of a class.


Chanting the mantra for emotional healing


Using OM Mani Padme Hum to increase love, peace and compassion in a place


Invoking the blessings of Buddha Quan Yin

Loving Kindness

Doing the Meditation on Loving-Kindness to become an instrument of world peace

Basic Pranic Healing 100%

Spiritual Essence of Man

The Spiritual Essence of Man is an unique spiritual course that reveals the true nature of man and leads to the experience of the divine essence within the chakras and the aura. Master Choa Kok Sui blends the inner teachings of the tree of life Kabbalah into a simple but powerful method of spiritual practice. This class explains the ancient roots of the Tree of Life that is described in the Kabbalistic, Hindu and Egyptian inner spiritual schools. The inner secrets of each Sephiroth, or Power Center and the experience of their awakening as their Divine Names are invoked are taught. This workshop strings the synthesis of various esoteric systems and provides the strategy for a living a balanced life.

Tree of Eternity

Learning Lord Krishna's Teachings on the Inverted Tree of Life and the Upanishad's Tree of Eternity.

Spiritual Anatomy

Understanding the Spiritual Anatomy (chakras and auras) in the traditions of Taoism, Christianity, Kabbalah, Sanskrit, Acupuncture, and Egyptian Mystery Schools.

Triple Cross

A powerful meditation that reveals and ancient esoteric roots of the popular Lord's Prayer.

I Am

Practicing the 'I AM' Meditation for the Pineal Gland!

Basic Pranic Healing 100%

Universal & Kabbalistic Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer is one of the most popular prayers of the World. Master Choa Kok Sui presents to us the Lord’s Prayer beyond its original form, and as a method for spiritual development. Synthesizing the Biblical Lord’s Prayer, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the yogic system of chakras, Master Choa Kok Sui gives us an extensive approach to our spirituality. This course draws us many steps closer to the divinity that lies dormant within each of us, and still further to the blissful transformative experience of aligning with the Will and Glory of Our Heavenly Father. With regular practice, all the 11 Major Chakras will be purified, activated and synchronized, resulting in balanced spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric and even physical development.


The ancient secret relationship of the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life and the Lord’s Prayer


The correspondence of the 11 Major Chakras with 11 Sephiroth of the Tree of Life

Triple Cross

This workshop powerful meditation that also reveals the ancient esoteric roots of the popular Lord’s Prayer

Basic Pranic Healing 100%

Inner Teachings of Buddhism Revealed

Buddhism Revealed Workshop proposes an esoteric view towards Buddhism and its teachings. Four Noble Truth and Eight Fold Path, taught by Lord Buddha that constitute a significant part of Buddhism religion, are revealed from a spiritual and practical point of view in this workshop. Learn the different levels and facets of truth, the different schools of Buddhism, the four major causes of suffering and the powerful solutions to them. How to cultivate the Buddha Nature within you and Lord Buddha’s Teachings on the Spiritual “I” and the Atma, Spiritual Detachment are just not terms in this class but a practical way to live your life


Realize that life is not all suffering


Know the causes of suffering and solutions to minimize it


Understand the significance of the Four Noble Truths


Understand the meaning of detachment and how to practice it

Basic Pranic Healing 100%

Inner Teachings of Hinduism Revealed

Hinduism Revealed Workshop is an enabler for getting a deeper understanding of the teachings of Hinduism. This class expounds and unravels the unknown inner meaning behind many of the known rituals, mantras and symbols. This workshop illustrates a rational approach to understand the essence of God through an ancient religion that is 8000 years old. Although Hinduism is known as a henotheistic religion, in its spirit, it shares many core beliefs and ideologies of the world’s other great religions such as Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.


Understand the secret behind symbols such as peacock and snake


Know the significance of Lord Ganesh having an elephant head and its inner meaning


Use Sharanagadhi for faster spiritual development


Know the significance of certain rituals practices such as washing the feet of the gurus

Basic Pranic Healing 100%

Inner Teachings of Christianity Revealed

Drawing upon his vast knowledge of various cultures and religions, and with his background as a Master Pranic Healer, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui reveals for the first time the true meaning behind many of the symbols and rituals of Christianity. These insights will bring a deeper and more meaningful appreciation and connection with Christianity and spirituality. These practical principles and techniques allow you to Experience “Christ Consciousness” while still on the physical plane.


The Lord's Prayer as an Advanced Method of activating the chakras


The Inner Teachings behind the Baptism by Fire, Water, Air and the Holy Spirit.


The Trinity and the 3 Universal Aspects of God found in the major religions.


The Inner Meaning of Lord Jesus washing the feet of the apostles.

Basic Pranic Healing 100%

Arhatic Sexual Alchemy

The desire for an intimate relationship is one of the primal desires of mankind. This courses teaches on how to appreciate one’s own sexuality as well as create an “energy partnership” at the spiritual realm to have a truly blissful, deeply fulfilling and sacred experience with one’s partner and more importantly spiritual oneness. It also demystifies the traditional Tantric and Taoist Sexual Yoga into simple and effective techniques to safely and properly harness the innate sexual energies. This can be practiced every week to properly utilize this “Spiritual Gasoline” to achieve more creativity, intuition and access higher states of consciousness.


Recognize the divinity within your partner


Transcend your sexual experience to higher levels of love, understanding and spiritual oneness


Experience intense bliss and divine love during sex.


Use sacred sex to accelerate your spiritual development.

Arhatic Yoga Level 1 & 2 100%

Higher Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is referred to the ability to see beyond the physical form; the ability to see the energy body, the chakras and other subtle vehicles. The Higher Clairvoyance Workshop provides the principles and techniques of developing the “Inner Eyes,” which in esoteric sciences is often called the “Heaven Eyes.” This course is offered to those interested in developing the ability to see beyond the physical material world. The course teaches techniques that will enable you to develop your clairvoyance skills. The purpose of clairvoyance is to see beyond the physical realm and apply it in healing.


Mechanism of seeing clairvoyantly and the chakras involved in the process

Rainbow Meditation

Special meditation to sensitize your brain and nervous system to register astral colours


Using Clairvoyance for healing and counseling.


Seeing with both open and closed eyes

Arhatic Yoga Level 1 & 2 100%