Prosperity Courses


Did you think that spirituality shuns prosperity? If so, please stand corrected! As stated by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui, Spirituality and Prosperity are like the 2 wings of a bird; we need both of them to fly. In fact material abundance and prosperity gives the liberty to pursue spiritual goals without having to worry about the future needs. The more precise approach to prosperity is to view it as a form of energy which can be used both for good as well as bad. If abundance is showered on the righteous people, it can be fruitfully used for the benefit of the larger mankind. According to Master, “Money is Concretized Energy!” “Kriya” in Sanskrit refers to action, deed or effort while “shakti,” coming from the root word “shak,” means power or empowerment. Kriyashakti therefore refers to “using the power of thought to manifest things in the physical plane.” In this workshop Grand Master has unraveled the hidden secrets to create abundance, prosperity and success and provides us simple techniques to create and increase our good luck.


Inner Kriyashakti - Effective ways of Creating Powerful Thought Forms to materialize abundance


Prosperity Meditations to bring success happiness and prosperity


Understanding the science of Tithing and Entitlement and how it is connected to success


Creating powerful Thought Forms using several easy to practice techniques

Arhatic Yoga Prep 100%

Pranic Feng Shui

Feng shui is an ancient science formulated in China around 5000 years ago. It is a study of the energy forces in order to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. In literal translation, feng means “wind” and shui means “water”. In Chinese culture, wind and water are associated with good health, therefore, feng shui came to mean good fortune. Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui has revealed the well-kept secrets of Feng Shui. As always, Master has performed numerous experiments to observe the energies in different directions and has explained on how they affect health, wealth and spirituality. As Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui says, “The energy condition of your place affects your life. The energy condition of your home and office affects your health, wealth and happiness.”


Knowing the properties of directions and using the proper direction for prosperity and abundance


Learning powerful, practical, simple and inexpensive techniques to provide a channel for prosperity and happiness.


Understanding the effects of certain forms, objects and room formations on the energy of the place


Knowing the solutions to neutralize a bad Feng Shui

Basic Pranic Healing 100%
Advanced Pranic Healing 100%

Spiritual Business Management

Spiritual Business Management is designed to benefit individuals holistically so they grow exponentially in each domain. Spiritual Business Management provides an innovative approach to management, business and partnership, which leads to positive environment, increased efficiency and good return of investment. It further helps the individuals to develop a sharper mind, calmer emotions and faster decision-making. The course therefore creates a platform for the one and all to build better self-confidence, precision of objectives, more practical tactics and to provide an efficient and harmonious working environment. The practical applications of the seven rays and how it can be used to bring the necessary skills and qualities together for the benefit of any company or business is also part of this workshop.

Esoteric laws

Increasing prospects of success and profits using esoteric laws


Managing human archetypes and tendencies using the Seven Rays


Creating a productive, efficient and harmonious business/work environment


Managing time efficiently and effectively

Basic Pranic Healing 100%