Healing Courses

Basic Pranic Healing

First step and the best step indeed! This is the first course in “Healing”. It is designed for beginners from all walks of life. Basic Pranic Healing is the foundation which is designed to introduce students to the concepts of energy, energy anatomy (the aura and the chakras) and the basics of working with energy aura to heal the body. This includes learning to “scan,” or sense and feel the energy, to “sweep,” or clean away dirty and used up energy, and to “energize,” or supplement areas in the aura that have insufficiency of energy.
Simple and filled with practical experiments, it brings in a whole new perspective to the same things that we see in our day to day life and opens our vision to the world of Prana or Energy. During class, all the principles are explained and with practice of the techniques thoroughly, one will be confident to produce positive results after finishing the course.

Energy Body

Knowledge of the energy body or energy anatomy covering the aura, 11 chakras and meridians


Training how to systematically remove energy blockages in the aura and the chakras.


Practical exposure to heal all physical ailments like cold, fever, Pain relief , Respiratory ailment , Gastrointestinal disorders

Distant Healing

Distant Pranic healing in cases where the patient is not physically available

NONE 100%

Advanced Pranic Healing

Advanced Pranic Healing is a specialized course and is meant for those who are inclined towards becoming more specialised healers. Unparalleled and authentic, the concepts designed in this course have changed the entire landscape of the known natural healing modalities. In the advanced workshop, the focus is on the usage of Color Pranas for faster for more effective results for a broad range of ailments. Like the rainbow, the prana’s colours can also be divided into 7 colours. Each colour prana has certain properties and it is possible to combine white prana with colour pranas to meet the desired healing effect like cleaning, energizing, regenerating and so on.The advanced Pranic Healing course offers techniques for generating color pranas as well as treatments of various ailments using the colour pranas. In Master’s own words, applying Basic Pranic Healing is like visiting a general physician and applying Advanced Pranic Healing is like approaching a Specialist.

Colour Prana

Usage of color pranas and the combinations.


Cleansing of internal organs, blood purification, strengthening of lymphatic system and thymus gland and so on

Rapid Healing

Specialized healing techniques for Rapid Healing of wounds or burns, Cellular Regeneration

Instructive Healing

Instructive healing to help accelerate healing

Basic Pranic Healing 100%

Pranic Psychotherapy

Research studies point out that many of the physical ailments have a psychological origin. Hence healing the mind is required for healing the body. Since psychological ailments are basically the result of accumulation of negative thoughts, emotions and traumatic experiences, which are lodged in the aura and chakras, removing such energies requires months or years of counseling sessions. The effectiveness of these are dependent on the receptivity and cooperation of the patients as well. With Pranic Psychotherapy, these negative energies can be safely and quickly removed through a tested scientific approach. The end result is more peace and positivity as well as improved physical health. Apart from explaining the energy forms that are responsible for causing the ailments, the course also provides step by step procedures to disintegrate and completely eliminate all such negativities from all levels of our system, hence uprooting the origin of the psychological ailments. Pranic Psychotherapy provides the ability to control the mind and the emotions. This course is undeniably a boon to mankind.


Understanding how thoughts and emotions affect thinking patterns and behaviors

Energy Forms

Understanding the energy forms of the negative thoughts and how they affect chakras and auras

Addiction Therapy

Healing for compulsive behaviours, phobias, addictions to smoking, alcohol, drugs, food and depression

Deeper Cleansing

Deeper cleansing from negative, self defeating programming that have remained since childhood

Basic Pranic Healing 100%
Advanced Pranic Healing 100%

Pranic Crystal Healing

Crystals and gem stones have, for centuries been associated with healing and mystic properties. With proper understanding and usage, the effect of these can be magical. Master Choa has designed the “Pranic Crystal Healing” course to make use of the crystal as a powerful instrument for healing. The concepts, principles and techniques are based on validated esoteric facts which are explained in a clear and simple manner. This course covers the qualities of various crystals and how healing power can be increased by multiple times by using crystals. In fact wearing the right color of crystal is not enough to achieve expected results, one needs to know how to cleanse and program them as well. Correct methods to usage and energizing of crystals to make use of these effectively are explained in a step by step manner. This workshop strives to remove the superstitious beliefs about gemstones so that the student can learn the pure concepts and techniques easily and quickly.

Cure with Crystal

Using crystals for healing effectively; Crystal healing with colour prana

Crystal Power

Consecrating the crystals to increase their power beyond comprehension

Health & Prosperity

Consecrating rings, pendants and jewelry to attract good health and prosperity for loved ones and business associates.

Crystal Spa

Layering on of crystals and making use of gem stones for the healing while the patient is resting

Basic Pranic Healing 100%
Advanced Pranic Healing 100%
Pranic Psychotherapy 100%

Pranic Face lift & Body Sculpting

The Pranic Facial and Pranic Body sculpting workshop deals with both health and beauty. The course covers skincare and weight loss as well through the application of Pranic Healing and using specific combination of color Pranas & healing techniques. It is a no touch, non-invasive way of looking charming. You can lose weight without surgery and medicines, by using the knowledge of subtle energy. This course also emphasises on inner beauty and hence removes the psychological reasons for weight gain, low self-esteem, negative self-image, harmful addictions and many other obstructions to beauty. The lines and wrinkles of the face are caused by the negative and unpleasant feelings and experiences such as anger, fear and grief. When this emotional burden is lifted, face will look brighter, youthful and beautiful. Emotional bruises also store as excess fat and result in weight gain. This course addresses that aspect as well.

Weight Loss

Looking thinner and losing excess weight through the Weight loss protocol.

Curbing Food Addiction

Regulating appetite and remove the excessive craving for food

Face Lift

Treating facial freckles and pimples to create a younger and brighter looking skin

Body Sculpting

Pranic body sculpting techniques including protocols for removing stubborn fat in specific parts of the body

Basic Pranic Healing 100%
Advanced Pranic Healing 100%
Pranic Psychotherapy 100%
Pranic Crystal Healing 100%

Pranic Psychic Self-defense

The world is full of different forms of energies, and all of it may not be favorable for us. When you are torpedoed by negative and injurious energies, you may feel weak and tired and sometimes even fall sick. If you are not properly protected from these contaminants, you can be affected spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially. Pranic Psychic self-defense course is specially designed to protect you from negative and antagonistic energy patterns. This course provides proven ways of utilizing Pranic energies to defend yourself, your belongings, and family. It teaches several ways to shield from psychic contamination by strengthening the Aura; removing negative energies and vibrations from psychically dirty places; reinforcing psychic defenses through counter attack and counter defense methods; knowing how to deal with black magicians; taking corrective actions when a person has been psychically penetrated; and other never before known techniques.

Psychic Protection

Understanding how psychic attacks are launched and how you can protect yourself from them.

Auric Shield

Multi-dimensional shielding for protection on the spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric and physical planes.

Guarding Children

Safeguarding your children's precious and innocent consciousness from preying entities of drugs and negative programming from peers.

Inner Peace

Experiencing inner peace and calmness in the midst of a chaotic work or home environment.

Basic Pranic Healing 100%
Advanced Pranic Healing 100%
Pranic Psychotherapy 100%
Pranic Crystal Healing 100%