"Pranic Healing is for All"

“No Drug, No Touch therapy”
Pranic healing is a simple and effective that uses energy for healing
and for maintaining good health. As the name suggests, it uses Prana
or life force for faster recovery.

Miracles through Pranic healing

Faster Relief for Anemia

Anemia is a common problem encountered by women of all ages. Even with medication and diet, haemoglobin levels take time to improve. With Pranic healing as a complementary therapy, consistent improvement and relief is obtained. One of our patients (female) aged 42 from Dubai was suffering from anemia and constipation. She had severe fatigue and gastric issues as well. Distant healing was administered to her for 13 sessions. The patient was relieved from tiredness and gastric issues after the first few sessions. Her anemia was also substantially reduced and haemoglobin levels normalized after the completion of the healing. Do reach out to us for consultation and healing for anemia and any other women specific healing.

Inflammatory Bowel disease is healed!

My son was suffering from severe stomach pain and was admitted in the hospital. After medical tests, it was diagnosed to be IBD Inflammatory Bowel disease We requested for Pranic healing for my son. After 5 sessions, his pain gradually reduced, he got discharged soon, thanks to the power of Pranic healing.
IT Employee

No Drug No Relief for Seizure

Epilepsy or seizure disorder can be very exhausting for the patient. It causes severe stress for the care givers too. One of our patients, a small boy aged 7 from Pondicherry was suffering from epilepsy and the associated impact of intellectual disability (lower IQ). Hence, he was not able to mingle well with people. Distance healing was administered to him for 18 sessions. The patient was relieved from epilepsy and also started mingling more with other children. There was visible improvement in his IQ as well. Needless to say, it was such a relief to his parents too!

Pic : Pranic Crystal Healing
Pic : Pranic Crystal Healing

White Papers ->

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome with main symptoms including pain and tenderness in various parts of the body along with sleep deprivation, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and emotional distress. Pranic Healing (PH) is a traditional no-touch healing technique based on balancing the body’s energy centres or chakras. Here, a case of a 37-year-old female is presented who was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, with pain, stiffness, and sleep disturbances as major symptoms. These symptoms were measured using the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) score. She received distant PH as a complementary therapy to manage chronic pain and exhaustion symptoms. PH was effective in significantly reducing the severity of fibromyalgia symptoms, including pain by 40% and stiffness by 60%, and improving the quality of sleep by 60% after eight sessions of PH. Thus, PH has the potential to be used as a complementary non pharmacological therapy besides conventional pharmacological approaches to manage fibromyalgia.

Cognitive Improvement in special child

My kid is a special child and has limitations in skills and learning. After close to 20 sessions of healing, good improvement was seen in concentration, the ability to work in the vocational centre improved to such a level that no verbal or physical prompt was needed Thanks to Pranic Wellness center for the healing!
IT Employee

Healing Results

Words of Master Choa Kok Sui, founder of Modern Pranic healing:

Pranic Healing is a science. It is based on cleansing and energising. By cleansing or removing the diseased energy from the affected chakras and organs, and energizing then with sufficient prana healing takes place.

Pranic Healing Tip!

“It is a healthy practice to go to the beach regularly about once a month or once every two months. Sea water has a cleansing effect on the energy body.” 

“ஒரு மாதத்திற்கு ஒரு முறை அல்லது இரண்டு மாதங்களுக்கு ஒரு முறை தவறாமல் கடற்கரைக்குச் செல்வது ஆரோக்கியமான நடைமுறையாகும். கடல் நீர் ஆற்றல் உடலில் ஒரு தூய்மைப்படுத்தும் விளைவை ஏற்படுத்துகிறது. ”

There are two basic laws in Pranic Healing:

  • The Law of Self-Recovery, which states that the body can heal itself.
  • The Law of Life Energy, which states that by increasing the life energy level of the body, healing is accelerated. Pranic Healing accelerates the natural healing process of the body

White Papers ->

Panic disorder refers to recurrent unexpected panic attacks, including symptoms such as dizziness, chest pain or discomfort, a feeling of unreality, fear of losing control, and fear of dying which could last for few minutes. This research paper presents a case of 71-year-old male during Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) lockdown experienced moderately distressing panic attack symptoms and feared going out by himself, due to the worry of future attacks. These symptoms made significant interference with social activities. The subject was under homeopathic medication and later referred to take Pranic Healing as an add-on therapy. Panic disorder severity (panic disorder severity scale-self report) and severity of agoraphobia (severity measure for agoraphobia-adult) were measured at day 0, day 60 and day 240. Moderate panic disorder (raw score was 12) with mild agoraphobia (raw score was 10) was reduced after 14 pranic healing sessions given in two months duration. No symptoms of agoraphobia or panic disorder were found after six months follow-up. Pranic healing along with homeopathic treatment were found effective in reducing moderate panic disorder with mild agoraphobia. Psychological therapies, combined with medication can be used as gold standards in treating panic disorder.

Source Link: https://jcdr.net/articles/PDF/15495/50299_CE[Ra1]_F[SH]_PF1(SC_SS)_PFA(SC_KM)_PN(KM).pdf

Trauma and Stress can be overcome!

After my husband passed away I had a lot of trauma and anxiety. This increased especially during the COVID period and aggravated as panic attack. After 10-15 sessions of psychotherapy healing were administered to me, I overcame this and developed confidence and peace of mind. Thanks to Pranic Wellness Center for the healing and for counselling provided. I am ever grateful.

Pranic Healing courses

Pick a program that best fits for your personal goals.

Basic Pranic Healing
Advanced Pranic Healing
Pranic Psychotheraphy
Pranic Crystal Healing
Pranic Face Lift & Body Sculpting
Pranic Psychic Self-Defense

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Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul
Arhatic Yoga Preparatory
Om Mani Padme Hum
Spiritual Essence of Man
Universal & Kabbalistic Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer
Inner Teachings of Buddhism Revealed
Inner Teachings of Hinduism Revealed
Inner Teachings of Christianity Revealed
Arhatic Sexual Alchemy
Higher Clairvoyance

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Pranic Feng Shui
Spiritual Business Management

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