Blessed are the ones who forgive …

In our life, we encounter many people and incidents that fill us with anger and frustration.
While time does make us forget some of these, when we probe ourselves deeper to see if
we have truly forgiven, we understand that we haven’t.

So does it matter really to forgive? Is forgetting not enough ?

The answer in Bold letters is “NO”.
Until you really forgive, you are holding on to the anger and the pain
within yourself.

And as Buddha said, “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal
with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who
gets burned.”

So why is forgiving important

  • Forgiving helps you break free from the negative emotions and the bitterness of the incident
  • It allows you to move on and makes you empowered.
  • Forgiving takes a lot of magnanimity and mental strength, especially when you know you have been right. Gandhiji once said, “The weak never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
  •  As an added benefit, medical research has proved that forgiving improves one’s health – lowers the risk of heart attack; levels of anxiety, depression and stress.
  • As we develop more mercy and compassion to others, we get forgiven for our mistakes too!

Now doesn’t it sound easy ?  So what are you waiting for?

Start forgiving today – right from the guy who banged your car yesterday, to your mom-in-law and don’t miss adding your boss in your long list of people to be forgiven.

But begin with forgiving yourself and accepting yourself for what you are !

On another note, Pranic healing has very powerful techniques for various levels of forgiveness. Do reach out to us to know more.