Need of the hour – Protection from Pandemic

What we are now seeing is an unprecedented situation. Nations are going into lockdown and the whole world has been brought to its knees by a virus. While social distancing is an approach to keep away from COVID-19, the main observation is that people who have a better immunity are definitely least impacted by any ailment let alone COVID.

Studies show that immunity and resistivity are developed through healthy lifestyle – good food, exercise will definitely help. However one should not forget that a healthy mind is of foremost importance to maintain one’s good physical health.

In the current scenario where fear is all pervasive, it is difficult to keep hope and remain stress free. Meditation has been used as proven technique to calm oneself, this has been followed by mankind from time immemorial. Research studies have now further proved this right.

Twin Hearts meditation is a simple and yet powerful meditation technique which has been practiced widely by both Pranic healers and Non-pranic healers. In this meditation, one becomes a channel of Divine Energy and blesses Mother Earth and people world over with peace, harmony, good health and hope. In turn, one is also blessed with all of this many many times. This is the need of the hour – isn’t it?

Pranic healing also provides healing techniques to boost one’s immunity.

Do reach out to Pranic Wellness Centre, Perungudi if you are interested in any of the above.